Sismogramma Live Campi Flegrei


Scontro titanico nei cieli del Nebrasca "tsunami di nuvole"

tsunami in the sky, giant wave cloud, tsunami cloud, giant tsunami cloud, wave cloud picture, amazing storm  front, storm front like giant tsunami wave, this supercell front looks like a tsunami waveScontro titanico nei cieli del Nebrasca,(Stati Uniti),due gigantesche super celle temporalesche avrebbero creato questo mostro nei cieli "sembra essere l'onda di uno tsunami" ! Afferma il fotografo che e' riuscito ad immortalare questo insolito fenomeno...

tsunami in the sky, giant wave cloud, tsunami cloud, giant tsunami cloud, wave cloud picture, amazing storm  front, storm front like giant tsunami wave, this supercell front looks like a tsunami wave
tsunami in the sky, giant wave cloud, tsunami cloud, giant tsunami cloud, wave cloud picture, amazing storm  front, storm front like giant tsunami wave, this supercell front looks like a tsunami wave
tsunami in the sky, giant wave cloud, tsunami cloud, giant tsunami cloud, wave cloud picture, amazing storm  front, storm front like giant tsunami wave, this supercell front looks like a tsunami wave

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