Sismogramma Live Campi Flegrei


Tornado Oklahoma City.La citta' di Moore completamente distrutta

Non ci sono parole per descrivere quello che e' accaduto un solo pensiero a chi disinforma su tutto cio' che sta accadendo nel mondo,affermando che non esista una strategia di controllo globale del clima e delle catastrofi provocate artificialmente.Siete complici di queste stragi e della morte di bambini innocenti. Che siate maledetti!!!

21 maggio 2013
The damage is horrible.

Cars were tossed around like paper weights.

And blown into piles like toys.

Where they'll sit until removed.

Not even the Moore Medical Center was spared.

The rubble piled high is a difficult sight...

Children are some of the hardest hit. Here, a rescue effort is underway at Plaza Towers Elementary School in Moore, Oklahoma.

This will be a difficult time for all.

This was the tornado that caused all of this destruction.

The first reports were terrifying, showing fire and destruction.

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The cleanup will be extensive.

This was a huge tornado.

Nothing in its path was spared.

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